The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

I’ve been told to read this by a number of people but I’ve been putting it off for ages, mostly because I read Stiefvater’s Shiver and absolutely loathed it. This, on the other hand, was fab, I adored it. I devoured it in a day or two and I”m now onto the sequel—it’s a series of four—which is, so far, just as wonderful as the first.

It’s about a girl called Blue Sargent and it’s set in a small town…Blue’s family are all psychics, with Blue herself as the only exception: instead, she sort of amplifies their powers. She’s fairly likeable, as main characters go, even though her name is a little weird. She’s been told that if she kisses her true love, he’ll die—so as a result, she’s decided she won’t kiss anyone, just in case. (To make things a little more interesting, she’s also told that this will be the year she meets said true love.) I loved the writing—it was almost lyrical, the flow was gorgeous. I also adored the characters—I know a bunch of people thought they were too weird etc., but I loved them.
The plot, sadly, unfolded at a snail’s pace. The book and the sheer sort of magic of the prose were enough to keep me reading quite happily, but it sort of felt like it was all setting the scene up for the next books in the series—there wasn’t actually much going on, just lots of character development and tons of filler. I still adored the book, though, and would definitely recommend it.


Author Maggie Stiefvater official web site

The Raven Boys official web site

The Raven Boys – Animated look trailer by Maggie Stiefvater

Review of The Raven Boys by The Guardian

WIKIA site of The Raven Boys

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